Study Habit Test for 8th & 9th Standard

Standard 8th is the threshold of career foundation. Seeking Career guidance at this stage is quite natural. Searching for methods to increase scores on subjects like Mathematics, Science is the trend. Why is studying Mathematics always a problem after standard 5? Why is it so difficult for students to concentrate and focus? The numerous coaching classes are not getting the grades to the desirable levels and so on.. are some of the questions which bog the minds of parents. Should he go for career A or B, part of the same confusion. Now students with the wide exposure that they have, are themselves flooded with options of careers. The question in their minds being, which one of these? Contradictions like not liking mathematics, but liking life sciences and wanting to become a Chartered Accountant or a Banker are quite normal. Liking Geography, but not knowing what would that yield as a career option, Liking history but not knowing what would that yield as a career option, liking economics, again not knowing what would be the right career option for it are some of the very generic confusions running riot with career decisions. Care My Career helps you solve all of them and lays a strong career foundation through its Foundation assessment program.